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What does UwU mean?

Used to portray happiness or one wanting to appear cute. The sound "uwu" can also be used as an expression, a cutesy one.

What does UwU mean?

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Definition of UwU

Used to portray happiness or one wanting to appear cute. The sound "uwu" can also be used as an expression, a cutesy one.

When is UwU used?

UwU is often used to denote cuteness or happiness, particularly in text or online formats.

Examples of using UwU


Saw the cutest puppy, made me go UwU.


UwU, thanks for the gift, love it!


Your drawing is so adorable, UwU.

Make the Internet Safe for Your Kids With AstroSafe

“UwU” is a cutesy face in text form. Want context? Our Gen Z Slang Dictionary explains, and AstroSafe ensures a secure online space—download it today.


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