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What does Mew mean?

"Mew" or "mewing" is not a new term but it became more popular recently. It's a method, some claim, to improve facial structure and jawline with consistent proper tongue placement and breathing through the nose. There are times though when Mew is used in online communities to denote something cute or kitten-like.

What does Mew mean?

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Definition of Mew

"Mew" or "mewing" is not a new term but it became more popular recently. It's a method, some claim, to improve facial structure and jawline with consistent proper tongue placement and breathing through the nose. There are times though when Mew is used in online communities to denote something cute or kitten-like.

When is Mew used?

Mew or Mewing is mentioned with a hand gesture pointing to their jawline to show... their jawline. There are times though when Mew is used in online communities to denote something cute or kitten-like.

Examples of using Mew


That kitten is so cute, total mew.


He has a mew face, so innocent and sweet.


Got a new plushie, it's a mew!

Make the Internet Safe for Your Kids With AstroSafe

“Mew” is about a facial posture trend. Weird? Maybe. But our Gen Z Slang Dictionary explains. Meanwhile, keep your kids’ web time supervised—download AstroSafe.


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