Explore categories shipped!

Filters for the “Explore” tab are now up and working.

September 27, 2024

1 mins read time
Explore Categories Feature: Now Available on AstroSafe

ASTROSAFE is all about giving children the ability to search for content, hand-picked by humans that care, not by an algorithm. These links live inside of the “Explore” tab of your child’s browser.

We’ve added filters inside of the “Explore” section. This allows kids to easily find the content which matches their interests and passions.

Don’t forget to sign-up to our private Alpha TestFlight program for a chance to earn £20 in exchange for your feedback and help! Onwards!

Authors Bio

Article by

AstroSafe Content Team

The AstroSafe content team is committed to creating high-quality and child-friendly content that aims to help educators, parents, and guardians make it easier for students to learn important subjects for their development. Our team of writers have extensive experience at creating content for a multitude of subjects intended for children ages 12 and below.

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